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Latest News
December 23, 2022
Everyone here at RemedyWave wishes all of you a happy holiday season! Onsite customer support service visits will be unavailable December 24, 2022 - January 1, 2023. All online technical support services will still be available during that time.

July 14, 2022
CRM software can now be directly integrated with our R-Pass technical support access module. This allows your customers to benefit from our technical support services through your existing support account with us.

May 27, 2022
We will be live streaming our technical support tech tip discussions on a variety of platforms including: Webex, Zoom, and Telegram. Contact customer support if you require access, or for alternate ways to join our technical discussions and support service previews.

March 8, 2022
Due to various Covid-19 restrictions, RemedyWave consultants will operate remotely for the foreseeable future. Local RemedyWave offices will be closed but all our services are available to current and new customers.
Should you request a local on-site visit for one of our technical support services, RemedyWave local consultants can still be scheduled to come to your location, and will follow all local health regulations.




Welcome to RemedyWave!

Welcome to RemedyWave
Mission Statement
Through innovation and expertise we will provide the best possible information technology services and solutions for our customers at all times. Complete customer satisfaction will always be our top priority.
We can provide you with technical support for a full range of: server, network, and software services that will ensure your business will maintain its competitive edge. Information Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and RemedyWave will be there to provide you with effective, long-term service solutions.
RemedyWave Services
RemedyWave Services
Your source for Complete IT Solutions for both small and large businesses. With our various levels of customer support, we can also monitor your servers and web applications, and keep their status updated our RemedyWave R-Pass Help Desk Portal. Our services all offer the option for both on-site or remote technical support and monitoring. With our technical skills and resources, your business will surpass the competition.
Our technical support experts are located in California, Singapore, and Shanghai and can provide you with:
Tech Tips
RemedyWave Tech Tips
Staff Technical Tips
Let the RemedyWave technical support staff give you their personal tips on everything from data center operating procedures, to the latest trends in help desk software, which can help your IT department run smoothly.
Over the years our technical support staff has solved a large variety of customer web application, networking, and server technical problems. There are definite trends in problems customers have had, which are always documented in our R-Pass Help Desk Portal. These tips can provide you with some insights into the various service options available to you when running a small or large data center.

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